STAY TECH & WELLNESS CONNECTED WITH THE LATEST ADDITIONS OF THE REALME AIOT FAMILY-realme TechLife expands its tech ecosystem with the launch of smart home appliances

PETALING JAYA, 7 October 2021 — realme Malaysia today launched its newest line of AIoT devices via livestream on realme Malaysia’s Facebook page. The Dare to Leap brand introduced a total of eight devices including smart home appliances that further diversified their range of AIoT products. realme Malaysia showcased the realme TechLife Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, realme TechLife Air Purifier, realme TechLife Robot Vacuum, realme Hair Dryer, and realme Beard Trimmer Plus during its launch earlier. Malaysian fans were also introduced to three other smartphone and laptop accessories. 


StaySurance personal accident coverage is made available at no additional charge and includes daily hospital cash benefit of up to USD 100 per day in the event of a positive diagnosis for infectious diseases such as COVID-19

MALAYSIA, 22 September 2021 – The Shangri-La Group’s seven hotels in Malaysia are going the extra mile to provide staycation guests with added confidence now that intrastate tourism has resumed for states that have transitioned to phase 2 of the National Recovery Plan.

First Outing...

in , by Alia Farhan, 1:55 AM

 Rasa macam feel dia lain pulak bila dapat bawak anak-anak ke mall. Alhamdulillah rasa da macam dulu-dulu... Accept the crowd was less crowded. Mall yang kami pi pun tak ramai orang.. Alhamdulillah.

Kalau dulu pantang weekend ja asyik beria dah dekat dalam mall.. Habis satu mall tu kami tawaf... Hahahha... Hari Sabtu lepas masa ajak husband lepak-lepak.. Husband tanya nak ke Queensbay ka ke mana.. Cepat-cepat jawab nak ke Gurney. Sebab hari sebelumnya aku dengan husband dah ke Queensbay untuk groceries shopping... Hari Jumaat pun macam ramai orang dekat Gurney tu...

So to play safe ajak la dia ke belah-belah Gurney sana... Bila nak naik ke tempat parking tu nampak parking banyak kosong... Legaaaa aa tak ramai orang. Kalau sebelum Covid tu hmmm ja lah nak cari parking kalau weekend tu kan... But rezeki la tak ramai pun orang time tu. .... Syukur....

Awal-awal da janji nak belanja ice cream kan.. So kena la belanja kan... 

Cerita dia hari ni keluar groceries shopping dekat Queensbay dengan husband... So alang2 da keluar.. Tapau la lunch sekali kan... So plannya nak tapau Manhattan Fish Market. Last makan masa bukak puasa hari tu sebelum semua kena gari takleh balik beraya tu... Hahahah...

Tapi masa lalu nak ke Manhatan Queensbay tu akan lalu dulu The Little Nyonya tu. Aduh nampak gambar Udang Petai dia.. Mngundang betul lah... Sedapnya duk terbayang sambil-sambil tu jeles sebab tengok orang dine in.. Tapi xpa.. Tunggu sikit hari ja lagi suami aku dah kuning status vaccine nya boleh la bawak anak2 sekali dine in kan... Rumah dengan Queensbay pun xjauh mana kot....