
Hari ni ruangan petua makcik2 pulak.see...i told u no special concept what in my blog..

I blog what across my mind...

N last nite...disebabkan kulit kepala aku kegatalan melampau2...n mcm ada kelemumur...erkk...pengotoq kah aku?bukan la...aku rsa bukan kelemumur tp ny scalp became so dry and then mcm keluaq la flacky2 tu semua...oh benci n gatai gila...

Tergaru2 aku kt dln surau smlm dgan kadar rambut yg gugur is propotional to kegatalan...


Anyway blik ja keja aku trus p psar mlm n beli limau nipis...

Aku nk perasap skit kepala aku yg mnjadi2 ni...


So wut i do is belahkan dat limau nipis to 4 pieces...

Aku guna 2 bijik okeh...

Alang2 nk perasap kan...

Pastu masa nk mandi tu...basahkan rambut...

N then mula kan sesi tonyoh menonyoh limau td tu ke kulit kepala....

Mmg rsa pedih sket lgi2 kalau lpas tergaru2...

Pastu gonyeh2 rambut tu bai kena jus2 limau tu...

On d dot bleh rsa rmbut korg lembut gila...serius tak tipu ni...mcm lpas apply shampoo n conditioner....biaq la dlm 5 mins mcm tu...

Pastu basuh la elok2....

Bgi smua hat serat2 limau tu hilang dr kepala ok...

Pastu taraaa...

Da siap!

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

wordless tuesday

in , , by Alia Farhan, 10:20 PM

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1


in , , , by Alia Farhan, 8:38 AM


Cant get enuff wif one only...

So sorry...

Those handbags are some of ky fav...

Some of them stil kt umah jitra..

Ada saoa2 tau kt mna i mean blogshop yg juai coach murah2?

Cant get enuff of it

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

wishlist for 2012

in , , by Alia Farhan, 9:15 PM


Too soon for 2012 wishlist?


Not dat early rite....

Saja boring kn...

Now waitin for my turn kt cimb ni...

So here come my wishlist for 2012...

1. Married

2. Honeymoon @ krabi

3. Apartment

4. Diving license

5. Upgrade my baby lense



To be update later


Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Sebenarnya tgh berkira2 nk smbung master....

But by research n part time!!


Mcm ada ka masa kalau aku nk wat master ni...4/7 dri masa aku..aku spent kt kilang....

Pastu kalau wat research mst weekend aku kena berkorban kan..

Oh no!!i love my weekend yg tinggai satu stgh hri saja dek kerana hari sabtu pun aku kena mai kilang kan...

Okey menyampah dgn life aku skrg!

Bangla pun dua hari cuti...


Apapun aku mmg takdak intention to stay here longer as i said before my interest now is to open a kedai makan....where i find most suitable job for me at d moment n what i njoy d most...cooking bebeh!....BUT.....i need to do few things before i can jump to dat bisness...

What i meant here is...to start a bisness is not an easy task...it should be well planned...n where i can go from there for the next 5 or 10 years..

But before that i need to manage myself..disiciplined myself before i can simply jump there...right?

So now the problem is perlu ka tak perlu aku smbung master?esp in chemical engineering field....

Fuhhh...hard decision rite?

Nnt gantung ja diploma..degree n maybe master pnya certificate kt kedai makan aku...



Pang sedassss ok....

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

perfecto weekend

in , , , , , by Alia Farhan, 5:43 AM

Perfecto weekend means...

Bangun tdoq tak wat papa..

Menda yg wat adalah memasak..pastu lying kt atas sofa sambil tgk tv..lagi2 afc or food network..xpun deco2 ka...

Pastu msuk bilik..golek2 atas katil ditemani bantai2 busuk yg penuh ngn ayaq liuq basi tu...

Oh heaven kan!!

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1