Preparing Frozen Food

in , by Alia Farhan, 11:45 PM

 Sejak2 anak da start balik sekolah walaupun online ja.. Tapi tetap lah mak ni nanti lagi bz kedaung nak pikiaq macam2... Si kakak dah banyak class melalui google meet pagi-pagi. Si adik pulak dah start tadika...

Tadika si adik pulak bukan online... Kena pi ke sekolah... At least yg ni aku lega la skit kan.. Kalau dua orang dekat rumah rasa macam nak pecah dada. Tara sorang dekat sini sorang dekat sana pun rasa terkejar-kejar jugak.

Mana kan nak tengok anak kena kelas online.. Dengan mak2 sekali kena heret duduk sebelah... Dengan nak masak lagi.. Lepas tu terkejar-kejar nak masak lagi.. Nak siap2 amik si adik balik sekolah lagi pukul 12. Memang pecah peluh betul. 

Kalau ada hari yang suami aku boleh ambilkan si adik tu... Boleh la tarik nafas lega lagi... Kalau tak... Memang kaget bangattttt oiiii... 

So start dari last week, aku da masak dalam portion yang lebih. So akan ada extra satu portion masa aku masak tu. Dalam dua hari aku masak lebih tu.. Aku dah dapat 2 lauk frozen dalam bahagian peti ice tu.

So masa weekend hari tu.. Aku buat kari/gulai ikan lebih2... Sebab dah lama x buat kari sama... So aku masak la berlebih-lebih sebab budak2 ni memag suka kari kan... Ada la sebelanga besaq aku masak.

Amik haaa... Sebelanga besaq... Satu portion untuk makan hari tu... Lebih tu kita bahagi-bahagi untuk simpan n frozenkan. 

Ingatkan dapat 2 portions.. Sekali dapat 3..sebab ada kepala ikan aku masukkan sekali masa buat tu. So dapat la satu bekas untuk dua kepala ikan sahaja. Yang lagi dua bekas tu bahagian isi saja. Ni portion untuk sekali makan ya. 

Lepas tu dah alang-alang weekend and tak terkejar apa-apa. So aku pun buat la sekali harung kurma kambing untuk frozenkan. Sebabnya esknya ahad tu memang aku plan nak makan kurma kambing. So boleh buat dua portion alang2 kan. 

Kurma kambing campak2 dalam philip pressure cooker ja. Sedap kejadian dia. 

Nah dua bekas. Untuk dua kali makan. Aku jarang masak kurma ni. Sebab aku tak suka sangat kurma. Tapi aku hanya suka makan kurma kambing ja. So alang-alang nak buat biar piauuuu and berbaloi2 kan. 

So keesokkan harinya aku dah xpayah beria-ria nak masak.. Sebab da ada 
lauk kurma kambing.. Aku cuma buat nasi kari n salad ja. 

Nanti aku share macam mana buat nasi kari ya. 

Ni list frozen foods yg ada dalam freeser aku ya. 

Lepas ni nk guna bekas kaca yang beli tu.. Lupa.. Slowly change skit2... 

Ni topup lagi buat pulak stock untuk masa2 kecemasan dan kecedaraan orang tua2 kata. Mostly aku buat frozen food ni untuk main dish la.. Kalau sayur2 tu tan buat la kan.. Cuma buat yang macam ni ja. 

Dah bertambah pulak stock cooked frozen meal. 

Asam pedas tenggiri frozen... Sedapppppp ja... Sedap sebab rasa tu meresap masuk ke dalam isi ikan tu... Dapnyaaa... 

Oh bagi yang bertanya ok ka rasa frozen food ni... Ok ja.. Pi makan dekat Secret Recipe ka Johnnys ka semua dish diorang tu dari frozen food dik non... Takda maknanya dia nak buat goreng kat ko fresh2 noks... 

Teringat pulak frozen food yang Air Asia serve dekat atas langit tu... Sedapnya Nasi Ayam Pak Nasser and nasi lemak depa tu kan... Hahahhahaha.... 

Rindu nak travel...rindu nak makan nasi lemak AA... Nasi ayam AA... stay strong Air Asia! 

How to Remain Calm During MCO?

by Alia Farhan, 9:19 AM

 As i walked from 2020 entering 2021..i was so excited and this year will bring a more worry less from all this pandemic... But BAMMMMMM... suddenly the numbers of peope infected with Covid 19 now hit the numbers of 4000+

(Pic credit to Google) 

As we know the government also have take another step to control the infection from spreading bigger and bigger. And here we go another MCO.... It's been a week of MCO 2.0...n i hope that the numbers will show some improvement...

This is so me!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 

I hope I can remain sane and calm for this entire MCO period (ya.. For sure we didn't know how long it will take this time) 

But let me share you some of my tips to remain sane and calm.... 

Boost your immune system 

It's very important to boost our immune system at this season. A weak body can be an easy spot for the viruses to host in our body. So don't forget to have your vitamin C with you. Mine favourite is Berocca, i normally share a glass of Berocca with my husband. And we also give our kids Vitamin C every day. 

(Pic credit to Google) 

Eat properly & stay hydrated 

Not only your body needs a good immune system, your body also needs good nutrients in our body. Eat more fruits and vegetables is good for our health. Green and colourful  vegies and fruits are really good for our body. They not only delicious, but also bring benefits to our skin and can reduce any other illness. 

(Pic credit to Google) 

Organize your life

Plan ahead what you need to do in your day. You can plan your meal and meal prep so that it won't be time consuming for you especially for those work from home mom. Plus the kids already go back to their online learning.... It's quite hectic day if you dont plan your schedule properly. 

(Pic credit to Google) 

Dissconect  and connect

It's ok if you wish to take a break from your social media. I know social media sometimes can be so judgemental. When Malaysia went for our first MCO last year. I have diactivated my Facebook for weeks as i found myself being suffocated with all the Covid 19 things... I got panick attack and anxiety attack at the same time. I have a sleepless night and Alhamdulillah i got over it. Stay connected with your loves one... Your family is your treasure... Ask them is everything ok.. Is everyone need anything... Or need help? Yes... Ask and connect to your family first... 

(Pic credit to Google) 

No need to be perfectionist 

In a time like this... I'm not going to be a super perfectionist... I'm not goin to be a bossy mama... I teach my kids how to do some house chores... Even they are just 4 years and 7 years... I even ask the kakak t9 fold the clothes for all of us 😝😝😝.. Yeah her skills may not up to my standard... But it's ok... As long as she done within the my spec.. Then it' still ok... Oh.. You are talking to the retired engineer mama.. Who have spec limit to everything... 😂😂😂

My little helper

I found this is a perfect for a 7 years old girl to fold the clothes. 

It' OK to be NOT OK

As i said before... Staying at home withour going any where is so stressful for a person like me. Yes i can be homebody... But at the same time going out to the mall and lepak at coffee shop with my lil family is still a nice therapy for us. So it's ok sometimes if you find yourself have no mood for cooking and let the Food Panda or Grab Food deliver the food for you... Or when you find yourself so lazy to so your own laundry and decide to send to laundry service.. It's ok... I'm not going to judge you! Because i do that too.. Hahhahha

Ask for help 

Always ask for help if you need to. If you cant handle yourself the housechores. Always share with your spouse. Ask your kids to help you with the simple things like picking up the plates in the tables after eating can less your burdens. Always ask for their help... We are not Wonder Women... So don't push yourself too hard to be a perfect and wonderful mom /wife. They also need to play their part whatttttt.... 

My lil helper.. Not child abuse ya. 🤣🤣🤣

This is what I'm doing.... 
I'm not a perfect mom.. I want my kids and husband to help me with the housechores because we lived in the haus as the team. Housechores are not just one person job. It's involve all the crews /members. 

(Pic credit to Google) 
Tea plissss ❤️❤️❤️ what important at this stage.. Self care is important... You cant neglect your own body. You need to love yourself first in order to give the best to others 💋💋💋

Last but not least.... 

(Pic credit to Google) 

Take care everyone... 
We can fight this 💪💪💪

 Rasa macam hari tu berkobar-kobar gila duk update blog... Tibehhhhh kena umum MCO terus mood blogging semua tersontot n ke laut dalam... Cissss... Mati mood aku tauuuuu 😌😌😌😌

Tapi takpa... Jom la aku nak panaskan balik blog aku ni... Idok ler mau senduuuu.. Kalau idok macam mana adsense nak kaching kachinggggg 💰💰💰 ahhhh gitohhhh

Kali ni nak cerita pasal gulai sembilang... Ohhh i love gulai sembilang so much.. Kalau dulu dekat Juru memang aku selalu akan makan dekat Kak Laila la kan... Tapi dekat sini... Ada jugak port Gulai Sembilang boekkkk punyaaa... 

Tak lain tak bukan dekat Jelutong ni... Aku rasa ada la dua tiga kali jugak makan dekat sini... Ni pun makan hari tu sebelum MCO n sebelum balik Jitra tu... 

Dulu masa tak Covid.. Lauk2 dia banyak lagi.. Tapi aku rasa bila Covid ni maybe customers pun da xbanyak macam dulu-dulu kan.. So tuan kedai pun x masak lauk banyak-banyak dah. 

Nyummehhh nyummmehhh sembilang moi fav... 

Simple ja lauk kami amik untuk 3 beranak kami ni... 

Aku memang suka part ekoq ikan.. Tak kesah la ikan apa pun.. mesti sambar part ni dulu... 

Muka bahagia makan kariiiii... 
Tengok tu semua licinnnnn

Total makanan kami makan adalah RM20.. ok la.. Mahal skit.. Tapi ok la ikan dia besaq.. Pastu kari dia semua berasa.. Aku suka. Kena pulak dengan sambal belacan n kangkung belacan tu... Bestttt.  

So kalau hampa nak try..boleh la ke... 

Ani Gulai Sembilang
Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway, 11600 Jelutong, Penang, Malaysia
016-458 4229

 Jumaat yang lepas aku balik ke Jitra... Sebab mak aku balik ke Semenanjung ni... Macam biasa la kan... Mesti kalau masak tu hidangan penuh meja without fail...tak pernah tak sedap.. Semua lauk maktok diorg ni masak best2 kot...

Penuh meja lauk oiiii.. 

Kerabu cempedak

Daging harimau menangis bakar... Just guna garam kunyit and bakaq.. Tak payah try hard nak guna kicapa bagai untuk perap...macam ni saja pun da sedap gila... Harimau menangis ni bukan nama menu/masakan... Tapi part daging macam shank.. Ribs.. Tenderloin.. Sirloin tu... Ni bukan kata harimau ja makan syahdu.. Tapi kita yang makan ni pun syahduuuu ja bila makan sebab sedap nak mampoih😂😂😂

Sup tulang bahagian pipi... Memang sedap sangat part ni sebab bahagian ni walaupun banyak tulang tapi isi dia lembut ja... Ni aku buat.. Ala2 sup pedas siam skit. 

Huuuu ni menu-menu eksotik skit... Sebab ada otak goreng kunyit and lidah bakaq... 

Otak goreng kunyit... Simple tapi sedappp  gila.. Yang tak makan jangan nak euwww euwww sangat ahhh.. Menda sedap kot

Lidah bakaq... Ni pun guna garam kunyit ja untuk bakaq 😋😋😋

Kerabu jantung pisang.... Sedap jugakkkkk... Aku memang suka makan kerabu-kerabu ni... 

Itu lah dia syurga dunia... Sedapnya dapat makan masakan mama aku wei... Terubat rindu.... Aku memang suka lauk2 jenis macam ni.... Lauk macam kari apa tu kalau ada lauk2 macam ni... Memang aku tolak tepi dulu... Ni kira VVIP kat tekak aku la.. Hahahahha

Nikmat mana yang kau dustakan ye idokkkkk

Ok la.. Chowww sin chi