My bubbly lil girl is big girl now!

Saja nak buat catatan tentang sikit tentang anak sulung yang sorang ni. Supaya nanti kalau dia d besar panjang and kalau mama dia panjang umor lagi dia akan tau betapa sayangnya mama dia ni kat dia.

Yelah, anak sulung la katakan. The first one yang kita tatang and excited bila jadi parents kan. The first one la yang ajaq kita macam-macam. Tapi tak bermakna klau buat salah tak kena balun kan. Melampau  tetap kena.

And tak bermakna jugak anak kedua dan ketiga kita tak sayang kan. Aishah if u reeading this later when u grown up...Aishah pun mama sayang jugak macam sayang kakak ye.

Mark this is the second year we send her to kindy in LC Taman Pauh Jaya kat Penang ni. Dari segi reading Alhamdulillah she's doin well. Yalah with the fast reading technique yang LC buat tu memang bagus. Du'a for parents pun boleh baca dengan lancar siap dengan translation in English. Memang suka betul dengar dia kalau baca doa.

Yeah..she reminds me a lot bout myself. Self reflection much!

Cuma part writting la, memang aku kena brush her writting skills. Kadang-kadang geram jugak sebab part menulis memang ke laut wei. Bila tengok schedule dia..aku boleh cakap no wonder la. Sebab dalam a week...part writting ada one slot ja in a week. Other than that banyak reading n play. Kata pun playschool. Serius ada pro n cons la. Tipula kalau cakap aku tak tension bila tengok part writting dia. Hehhhhh. Bukan baru masuk dis year tau....memang kadang-kadang nak jadi kingkong la kan bila tengok dia menulis. Aku pun pernah consult member aku yg pernah buat modul LC kat preschool dia. Memang dia akui bab writting memang akan ada prob skit. Bab reading xrisau sangat.

Memang dia pun bagitau aku kalau aku nak Adriana terer jugak bab writting aku yang kena banyakkan latihan dengan dia kat rumah. Jangan harap kat sekolah ja. Yalah yang part ni aku setuju last year memang aku tak kesah and tekankan sangat part writting ka apa ka. Aku masukkan dia dari 4years sebab aku nak dia minggle dengan orang. Alhamdulillah part tu memang nampak dia pandai bercakap dengan orang. Pokpek2.

Other than that the school is great...teachers pun bagus-bagus. Alhamdulillah all is well. Cumanya nak bagitau kita as parents walaupun hantar anak ke tadika berprestig tara mana pun kita stil kena monitor perkembangan anak kita sendiri. Macam Adriana mungkin bab writting tu xditekankan sangat sebab depa learning thru phonics. So basically phonics ni tak macam kita belajaq ABCD sampai Z. Depa lain..depa semua ada macam sebutan LC...they start with Malay phonics... a ba ca...memang kalau tanya ABCDE ke apa ka...akan jadi jem. Even the founder pun sendiri mengaku menda ni la kan.

So bagi aku ada pro n con la jugak kan. Macam apa ni..apa ni..apa ni...kenapa anak aku tak tulis lagi ABCDEFG.... memang aku kena pantau and ajar dia betul-betul bab writting. Next year memang aku tak plan nak hantar dia ke LC dah sebab aku nak hantar dia tadika dekat pra sekolah rendah. Aku nak dia expose dengan real school.

Ada orang cakap bila masuk real school ni anak kita automatically akan jadi pandai adjust and the teachers lagi pandai tackles how to attract them in writting and reading.

Untuk registration darjah 1 pun aku da register Adriana dekat sek convent. Memang aku dari awal nak dia sekolah yang tak ramai Malays so that she can minggle with other races and tak malu untuk speaking. Yes i know her potential...kalau dengar dia speaking memang slang tu habis mat salleh...mama n papa dia kat rumah speaking among us kalau nak cakap menda serius ja.

Semalam masa jalan-jalan  tengok lampu kat MBI  Desaku Kulim tu..memang dia excited sangat. Lama kena berkurung kot. Mula la duk speaking london dia tu. Kalau orang-orang sekeliling dengaq mcm wowww la. Serius memang aku cakap jugak English dengan dia kat rumah especially kalau serious talk...bukan la nak poyo kan nak speaking konon dengan anak.

Memang masa dia kecik-kecik dulu aku nak speaking jugak ngn dia tapi laki aku being typical Malay kan..poyo lah nak cakap inggeris konon..puikkkk. menci aku. Padahal masa kat U dulu kalau ada talk ka man vs women memang masa class English memang aku dengan dia ja asyik bertekak!

Dan disebabkan itu la jugak aku prefer hantar Adriana dekat convent sebab automatically dia akan converse in English...helllloooo i know the Malay society wei...kalau duduk among kita tetiba ada orang yang duk speaking2 ni kompem kompem kena chop poyo! Ehh aku tau la sebab aku memang sekolah dengan Melayu je semua dulu. Masa sek dekat Sek Men Sultanah Asma ja aku sempat practise speaking dengan kawan baik aku Jamie si amoi comey tu. Masuk SBP..nan hado!

Oh btw Adriana learnt her English lessons from Youtube especially Ryan's toys review...Cerita Frozen...dia boleh hafal semua dialog dalam tu including yang raindeer tu weiiii...
she even ask me...
Adriana: mama what is coronation day?
Me: it's the day when Princess Elsa became Queen Elsa...
Adriana: when is my coronation day?
Me: u need to go to school first....
Pening mama nak layan dia punya pokpek2 tu...

Belum lagi kadang-kadang dia merepek2 cakap speaking sorang-sorang dia. Kadang-kadang marah membebel hentam ja speaking...walaupun kadang-kadang ntah hapa2 tapi i like her confident. At 5 dia boleh speaking English walaupun xla berhabuk macam anak tomok tu but stil I'm very proud of her...lagipun kat rumah ni bukan aku dengan Amir cakap dengan dia English sangat pun.

Kalau tanya aku tips bagi dia minat cakap English...biar ja dia tengok cerita kartun in English..jangan guna alih suara/bahasa tu. Pernah aku pi mana ntah tengah main cerita Frozen tapi alih bahasa to Malay marah benar Adriana...eiii tak best la cakap macam ni. Kakak nak Elsa cakap macam biasa  tu mama! Walaupun orang cakap tak elok bagi anak tengok tv or utube...tapi tu la memang serius ada pro n con jugak la menda-menda ni. Yang penting kita la as parents kena control dia kan.

Apa pun kakak...mama very proud of u! Nanti kita sama2 pulun part writting ya.

Go kakak go!

Anyone nak share tips how nak bagi anak tak kekok menulis?

Hai hampa...
Nak tanya sikit boleh tak?
Ada tak antara pembaca kat sini yang selalu kena serang dengan gastrik? Kami ni kategori selalu jugak kena gastrik. 

Terlebih dulu jom kita ketahui dulu punca-punca gastrik;

Credit to : iM4U

1. Makanan yang terlampau pedas. Yes diakui aku memang jenis makan yang kuat pedas jugak.
2. Makan makanan yang masam dan tinggi kandungan asidnya.
3. Overdose kaffein.
4. Pengambilan painkiller yang frequent.
5. Stress
6. Bacterial infection H.Pylori boleh menyebabkan ulser perut.
7. Kurang bersenam

Antara tanda-tanda gastrik, korang akan rasa ;

Credit to : iM4U

1. Kerap sakit kepala di bahagian kanan terutama bila perut kosong.
2. Ada yang diikuti sampai loya, sebu perut dan hilang selera makan
3. Muntah berwarna kuning dan mengandungi darah. (Yes aku kena ni masa mengandung Aishah masa bulan puasa. By the time 11pm ja mesti muntah mcm ni walaupun da sahur..memang x puasa la jawabya)
4. Sakit perut yang menyucuk-nyucuk.
5. Keluar angin apabila diurut ( wahhh ni memang selalu tapi tak tau pulak ni tanda-tanda gastrik kan)

Dah tau punca dan tanda-tanda gastrik jom teruskan membaca untuk tau cara nak kurangkan gastrik pulak ye.

Credit to : iM4U

1. Berhenti merokok!
2. Berhenti/kurangkan ambil painkiller!
3. Amalkan pemakanan sihat dan makan ikut time.
4. Kurangkan makanan pedas, berempah, masam dan berasid.
5. Kalau nak puasa pastikan sahur.
6. Makan sedikit tapi kerap.
7. Kurangkan kafein dalam rutin harian.
 8. Minum susu kerasa susu bersifat alkali.
9. Lebihkan makanan beralkali contohnya brokoli, lemon n etc.
10. Elakkan makanan berangin.
11. Stop alcohol!


Credit to :

  • Rasa pudina yang menyegarkan dan sedap
  • Diformulasikan dengan 22 makanan beralkali yang sangat baik untuk perut
  • Diperkaya dengan nutrisi penting
  • 100% Organik
  • Tanpa bau hamis
  • Tanpa campuran susu skim atau susu lembu
  • Tanpa mineral sintetik
  • Bebas dari bahan GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)
  • Tiada krimer tenusu

Credit to :

Selain itu G-storm 360 Ellvita ni boleh juga membantu ;

Credit to :

Untuk pengetahuan hampa G-storm 360 Ellvita ni ada dua size ya. Jom check harga G-Storm 360 Ellvita ni dulu ya ;

ellVita G-STORM 300 gram 
RM 60.00 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 70.00 (Sabah & Sarawak)
ellVita G-STORM 650 gram 
RM 120.00 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 130.00 (Sabah & Sarawak)

Sedap tau G-storm 360 Ellvita ni. 
Rasa susu kambing tapi tak hamis and mint-mint berangin skit! Sedap tauuuu.

Bagi yang nak dapatkan G-storm 360 Ellvita ni jangan lupa  dapatkan di ;

Hotline: 019-2020911

ellVita, Hadiah terbaik untukmu!

Hi have you heard about Ezbuy? I bet most of us has familiar with this shopping platform where it bring usitem from China easily to our doorstep. Not only that they also have US(Amazon), Taiwan based online platform and so the local online store. Pening nak shopping barang oversea? Now you can check on Ezbuy bebeh. BUT let me tell you the latest great news from Ezbuy, not that they list the item from above mentioned, they are now listing item from and Mogujie.

 Yes lepas ni you all tak payah nak pening-pening lagi nak cari item kat mahupun Mogujie. Tak payah nak pening-pening dengan chinese character uolls dekat page diorang tu. Nahhh Ezbuy list everything from their store into easy going and English friendly Ezbuy. No need to pening-pening dah lepas ni kan.  Nak lagi senang korang jangan lupa download ja terus Ezbuy apps kat playstore tu. Senang. Dekat apps lagi senang korang boleh pilih prefer dari mana; JD ka Mogujie ka or even Taobao.
Senang ja lepas ni korang boleh compared terus. Cari je seller, sama ada Mogujie atau Jingdong(JD)

Yang ni untuk carian handbag under seller Mogujie.

Sama juga under carian handbag tapi kali ni dari seller Jingdong(JD)

From my own experience bila Ezbuy start listing kan item from dan Mogujie makin meriah la carian item yang aku nak dekat list tu. Fuhhh berpinau-pinau mata den. Boleh buat pilihan dengan bajet korang and paling best if korang ada akaun PRIME, lagi syiok sebab korang boleh beli item yang berat2 dengan kos shipping yang minima bila korang guan platform Ezbuy ni. Untung wei. Pendek kata, Ezbuy make our life easier gitu ha.
So apa lagi, pejam celik pejam celik tak lama lagi dah nak start puasa lepas tu raya pulak kan. Sempat la kalau korang nak order kelengkapan raya korang thru Ezbuy ni. Nak apa, search aja. Click-click and pay tunggu ja sampai dekat doorstep korang. Item-item dariu dan Mogujie aku tengok tak kurang hebatnya. Nampak bukan biasa-biasa or cikai-cikai tau. Jom kita survey siap-siap kasut raya, handbag raya dan etc.
Jom, teman aku shopping dekat Ezbuy  sekarang!

Hai hampa-hampa semua. Kali ni nak cerita pasal chicken pox yang Adriana kena.
Masuk hari ni dah hari ke 4 Adriana kena chicken pox. Kalau nak tau chicken pox ni disebabkan oleh virus variecella zoster. Berbeza yang dengan meassles ya uolls. Yang meassles tu ada government bagi vaccine ya..yg MMR tu.

Adriana start kena hari Isnin lepas itu pun bila aku perasan kat belakang badan dia ada bintik-bintik merah. By that time try to be positive bukan kot maybe semut or apa-apa. Tapi bila masuk tengah hari dia da bagitau mama gatal la semut-semut ni gigit belakang kakak. Bila aku check da keluar blisters dekat yang merah-merah tu. Tapi dia tak demam pun. Yang menguatkan lagi instinct aku cakap dia kena chicken pox bila ada kawan-kawan dia kat kindy yang kena chicken pox. Hati ni da tak sedap wei.

Dua.minggu lepas dapat telegram group tadika Adriana cakap ada outbreak chicken pox. Sekali lepas 2 minggu, anak aku pulak yang kena

By petang tu, naik dekat muka pulak and then naik pulak dekat kaki and tangan. Oh my. Pitty my girl. Malam tu bagi dia makan ubat selsema/gatal ja supaya dia tak menggatal kan..ehh.

Bila masuk Selasa aku bawak dia pi check kat klinik 1 Malaysia kat rumah aku ni. Yes aku suka Klinik 1 Malaysia kat umah aku ni sebab x ramai orang. MA tu pun sahkan Adriana kena chicken pox. Dia bagi lotion calamine and ubat gatal untuk makan. Bayar RM1 ja wei. Xcover pun duit ubat tu wei. Untung jadi orang Malaysia ni kan.

Ni ubat yang MA tu bagi. Dengan aku-aku pun tumpang amik ubat gata allergik tu. Total damage RM2 je wei. Syukur jadi rakyat Malaysia. I LOVE U PM

Malamnya tu dia xleh tidur and makin menjadi-jadi gatalnya. Aku asingkan dia tidur dekat bilik study dia. Biar dia tidur dengan papa dia. Aishah pulak tidur dengan aku. Takut jugak merebak dekat Aishah kan sebab diorang tu macam belangkas, tidur nak kena sondoi2 dua dua orang. Sebenarnya papa depa ni pun xpernah kena lagi chicken pox.

Esoknya sebab tengok kesian sangat dekat dia kan so aku decide nak bawak dia ke Gleneagles and jumpa paeds depa. Sebab ada kawan aku komen dekat post aku kt fb biasa kat swasta depa ada bg ubat utk bg virus tu lemah. And kalau tanya Kenapa tak bawak awal-awal ke Gleneagles?sebabnya hari Selasa memang paeds depa cuti. And sebelum aku pi tu memang aku kol dulu cakap and raised my concern about Aishah. So after some conversation we decide to opt for chicken pox vaccine.

Lepas dua jam menunggu akhirnya dapatla jumpa paeds kesayangan kami. Sapa kata swasta tak kena tunggu lama wei..stress jugak makin lama makin ramai pulak patients Dr Cheah paed kami tu. Yalah, maybe orang lain macam kami juga suka cara Dr Cheah treat anak-anak kami and the way he explained to us bout something.

Nearly 2 hours waitin. Aku pi Klinik 1Malaysia kat rumah aku xdan panas bontot da kena panggil. Kikiki.

Alhamdulillah for Adriana xda yang serious pun. She's fine..cuma untuk Aishah kami amik pre caution untuk elak menda jadi teruk. Risau jugak sebab aku nampak ada bintik-bintik merah dua tiga mcm tu la kat badan Aishah n Dr Cheah kompemkan tu bukanlah chicken pox. Just some rashes ja. So after he explained about the vaccine, how it works even her sister get it bla bla bla. He also told us, bukan kata bila amik vaccine chicken pox ni Aishah guaranteed 100% tak kena chicken reduced the chances and kalau kena pun effect dia tak teruk. Yes maklumlah Aishah is still under 2 yo so effect kalau kena chicken pox tu agak teruk skit la kan.

Ok this is what Dr Cheah explained to me yesterday bout the vaccine n the variecella virus and I try my best to explain n deliver to u guys...
Based on his explaination once ada expossure to the virus..the virus will stay in our body and incubate within 2 weeks. After that baru la keluar all this chicken pox and he explained Aishah just expose within 3 days to the virus from her sister; so the virus itself still lemah n once u take the vaccine shot the virus will weak n if kena pun xda la teruk. My major concern is Aishah stil under 2yo where she cant simply takes drugs in her age. So the best way to prevent is by givin her this variecella vaccine.

Penat mengamuk lepas kena inject...minum susu terus lena

Kalau nak tau one of the reason I like Dr Cheah is the way he answered all my questions. He know i kinda person who like to know more about the things bla bla bla. So he will take his time explained to me. Aku dah cakap kat husband aku...kalau Dr Cheah pindah hospital lain..we follow him ok! Kahkah...

And then semalam dah ON antibiotic dekat Adriana, nampak la dia da kurang gatal dari sebelum ni. Nampak la dia pun mcm getting better kan. Sehari kena makan 4x.

Antibiotic for Adriana. Shouldnt they used antiviral like acyclovir to treat chicken pox? Rupa2 nya zoraxin also consist of acyclovir. Lolsss. Start to remember thing I learnt in Uni specifically for microbiology and bioproduct development..i think.

So this is d cost for Aishah variecella vaccine shot.

And guess what 2 bottles of Adriana's antibiotics cost us nearly RM200. wowww....everything so expensive nowadays. I think mama n papa need to do double triple jobs at one time oredy wei.

Sekarang ni kena pantau la Adriana n Aishah. And of course jugak papa depa pun dalam mode pemantauan mama depa ni. Kesian laki aku tu. Tua2 pun x pernah kena chicken pox lagi ya.

Semoga cepat sembuh ya sayang mama. I love u bebeh.

* please comment nicely...its my choice to vaccine my kid btw. I trust pakar dalam sesuatu bidang instead of so called makcik pakcik dr gugel. Its my kids...n they are my responsible and my priority.

Buying house in Singapore?

Buying house in Singapore can be affordable if your bank account has 8-digit numbers. But, if you do not have bank account that’s as long as telephone number, you will need to take up a loan. Before deciding on getting a loan, we will need to compare which loan package has the lowest or highest compounding interest. These days, we have the privilege to access to information easily with convenience and we can retrieve information we need when it comes to loan package. Yet, there are some who chose the bad loans package. Let’s see what the bad loans are and why they ended up signing up for it.

How to avoid bad home loan?

How home owners landed with bad home loans?
Although people these days have the privileged to access information easily but searching for loan articles to read tend to be boring and uninteresting article to read on the weekends. Besides, loans do not have wide awareness as it is not like fast moving consumer goods. You don’t buy houses every now and then. Our property agent or banker were the ones that feed us information and recommendations of the loan package when we are in our biggest decision-making situation. Hence, we tend to miss the information given on the internet.

Banks tend to package the loans with other benefits to divert our attention, but the interest rates is the main star of your package. There isn’t any advantage for signing up loan with higher interest rates but rather got suckered. So, how do you end up signing for bad loans?
1. You insisted for HDB loan, even when you can afford the cash outlay
2. You are drawn towards exotic options
3. You didn’t think through when you take up Board Rate besides the Fixed Deposit Home Rate (FHR)
4. You got convinced with the refinance idea
5. Non-mortgage expert finds you a home loan

1. Is HDB loan really that good deal? Even when you can afford for cash outlay
Just because it is from the government, the HDB Concessionary must be the cheapest loan, right? Truth to be told that HDB loan is one of the most expensive home loans from bank since year 2008. For almost two decades, HDB loans have been charging with an interest rate of 2.6% per annum. If you had used a bank loan in between 2008 to 2012, you could have the interest rates as low as 1.4%. But why people still end up with HDB? Firstly, they assumed loans provided from the government is cheaper. Second, the initial cash outlay with HDB loans are more tempting at the beginning because they can finance up to 90%. Most banks can only finance up to 80%. But remember that you can always refinance from an HDB loan into a bank loan. Imagine in year 2011 when you purchase your Tampines 3 bedder HDB unit with the interest rate at 1.4%, that’s crazily low compared to now at 2.6%.

2. You’re attracted to exotic options
We are always looking for the cheapest and best options whenever buying a package. Same goes to signing for loan. Your end goal is looking for the cheapest options. But, how makes you consider paying more for the next 25 years? A leather key pouches? A complimentary coffee table? For instance, back in year 2010, there’s an option called hybrid loans that adding SIBOR and SOR to determine your interest rate. There’s another option like interest-offset, where part of your fixed deposit is treated as though it is already paid into the home loan. Because when a loan is already this complicated, the best thing to do make things even more confusing but adding in bizarre elements. It’s rather rare that exotic options may have good deals while most of the times the deals are rather just some marketing buzz with a hidden agenda of being the dearest loan in the market.

3. You anyhow take up Board Rate apart from Fixed Deposit Home Rate
Do you know taking up the Board Rate is letting the bank determine their own rates whenever, wherever? Besides listening to your bank’s relationship manager, you should evaluate and research what kind of rates are being offered. Fixed Deposit Home Rate is more reasonable compared to Board Rate’s offer due to it’s FHR loans are tied to fixed deposit rates. It is clearly visible, and banks are less eager to raise the rates drastically. If they do increase, they will need to pay more fixed deposits. However, if you allow your bank to play around with interest through other BR loans, you will regret for doing so.

4. You got convinced with the idea of refinancing
When you sign up for loans, it was the lowest rates moment, but the rates shoot up in four years and it always shoot up on the fourth year unless you have a fixed rate loan. During this situation, the banker will have something on their sleeves and offer you to refinance when the time comes, and you will need to fork out $2,000 to $3,000 for the processing fees. Though it is affordable but don’t forget that cheaper loans may not be available for you to refinance. Plus, you would need to go through the tedious process again with resubmitting your documents and waiting for loan approval. Therefore, our advice is you don’t have to pick the cheapest but rather the cheaper in the long term, which is the first three years. Do check the terms and conditions before signing up to help you better understand how it works.

5. Non-mortgage expert finds you a home loan
During the house buying process, property agent or house insurance agent tends to recommend you their preferred banker. You could but why should you do so? They are not experts and they have no idea what they are recommending, definitely not the cheapest rates. Nowadays, you can always use your smartphone to search for loan comparison instantly and look up for the information instantly.

In conclusion, if research and survey is done, home owners will not be regretting and ended up paying for more due to interest rates. Besides, make sure your mortgage broker is someone who can advise you and help you with the paper works for your loan application.

So have you do your research before making any home loan commitment?

Hai hampa....
Hows ur weekend?
Mine always the perfect time for me and my family.
Normally bila weekend kami biasanya akan spend quality time with each other.
Biasanya kalau Sabtu husband kena pi setel kerja dia, on Sunday dia mesti akan bawak kami semua jalan-jalan.

Last two weeks, kat Penang ada Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. Being a Penangites we were excited to join the heat as well. Sebab sebelum-sebelum ni asyik terlepas ja.

So hari tu kami decide untuk merempit ja 4 beranak. Nasib baik scooter laki den besar wei. Takdak la teruk sangat rupanya. Dah brunch semua kami pun pi la ke Padang Polo, sekali show masa tu da habis. So kami decide la nak rempit pusing-pusing.

Sekali pusing-pusing dah sampai ke Batu Ferrighi. Seronok wei. Aisyah sampai terlena-lena seronok kena angin. Tapi disebabkan aku tak tahan gila nak pee pee and poo poo maka suami aku pun decide la untuk berhenti and lepak Hard Rock Hotel sat.

Selesai keja aku di toilet HRH, sekali seronok kemain la depa ni duk lepak kat lobby hotel ni.
Teringin gak nak bawak anak check in ke sini, first check in kt sini dulu masa lepas nikah. Honey moon la katakan. Kikikki. Nanti la usha rate cun-cun bawak anak mai stay kat sini pulak.

Dah siap order bagai dah nak lepak-lepak.

Anak-anak nanti kita check in ya sini. Doa-doa mama n papa murah rezeki kita mai stay sini pulak

The bubbly Aishah

Melunjoq kaki sat aih. Kebaih bontot merempit.

Dah puas lepak-lepak kat HRH tu, kami pun rempit balik ke rumah fil. And petangnya time show, kami merempit balik ke Padang Polo untuk tengok hot air balloon.

Adriana la yang paling suka kan. Eh mama dia pun suka jugak la sebab cantik kan rona roni.

Seronok kemain dia ni.

Say cheese!

Mama n kakak


Omey omey je

Aishah n papa.

Noted that this us our first experience naik moto berempat pergi agak jauh. Selalunya kalau keluar pun kami berempat naik moto makan tomyam kat rumah ni je. Tapi tu lah yang penting kami berempat seronok and enjoy gila kot. 

Family bonding is about how well you spent your time with your love one.

Have a great weekdays ahead peeps.