Wahhhh dah lama betul ya tak update pasal masakan kan... alaaa macam biasa tanggungjawab kepada keluarga kena juga buat walaupun kadang-kadang busy melampau sampai tahap masak nasi and beli lauk. Janji masak di situ walaupun masak nasi ja kan. Ehh masak nasik pun jatuh kategori jimays jugak noks.

Kali ni nak cerita menu simple ja tapi sedap. Kebetulan mama and adik aku mai ke rumah hari ni sebab nak sign SNP rumah adik dekat PDC so aku pun masak je lah yang simple-simple. Janji masak kan.

Dalam peti ais cuma ada udang, daging campur and ayam ja. Dalam otak daging campur tu buat daging masak merah pastu udang buat kari. Kalau dulu udang tu balik-balik sambal...balik balik sambal. Sampai muak jugak. Lately ni suka plak kari udang dengan kacang buncis.  Jom la tengok bahan-bahan and cara-cara masak kari udang kacang buncis ni.

Amcam terliur dak tengok gambar ni???


1 biji Bawang besar
2 biji Bawang merah
3 ulas Bawang putih
2 sudu makan serbuk kari ikan
1 sudu kecil serbuk cabai
Minyak untuk menumis
Air asam jawa
Kacang buncis
Serbuk perasa
Daun kari/karipole


1. Tumbuk/blend bawang besar, bawang merah dan bawang putih.
2. Tumiskan bahan-bahan tadi bersama daun kari.
3. Bila da naik bau masukkan serbuk kari dan serbuk cabai dan kacau.
4. Masukkan air asam jawa dan tambah air supaya tak terlalu pekat.
5. Dalam 15 minit macam tu bila rempah kari semua da masak, perasakan ikut taste korang.
6. Bila kuah start mendidih, masukkan udang dan kacang buncis.
7. Kacau dalam 2 minit macam tu dah boleh tutup api.

Dah siap...senang gilos wei. Ni memang antara kesukaan mama dengan encik suami aku. Suka bila tengok mama and laki aku suka makan kari ni.

Ok lah..japgi nak update resipi lain pulak. Ok bye.

Haaa gitewww tajuknyeeee....
Takut kita versus versus ni...
Sapa sini peminat Safi Rania Gold Essence? Gimme 5...
Sapa sini peminat Bio Essence Water Essence?
Gimme 5 jugak...

Ramai yang tunggu aku review untuk compared both essence ni kan. Heee ramai kaaa???
Ok la...ok lah...selaku blogger syiok sendiri..maka aku dengan rela hati beli sendiri ke dua2 produk ni untuk test power dua-dua ni macam mana pergi dia.

Alaaa...aku beli yang kecik ja pun. Beli yang Safi Rania tu RM10.90..yang Bio Essence Rose Gold Water tu PWP dekat Watson dengan harga RM15. Ok la kan. Sebelum go untuk yang besaq-besaq ni kita test dulu yang kecik punya macam mana pergi dia. Oh yang Safi Rania tu aku memang ada yang packaging besar, saja beli yang kecik ni supaya senang nak sauk masuk dalam beg kecik kalau nak travel or balik kampung kennn.

Lani jom kita wat comparison and similarity between these two hype products.


*Both production under the same company Winpro.
* both easy to absorp into our skin.
* both have the same toing-toing affect after usage
* both smells lovely (not too strong and just nice)
* both fight wrinkles and combat aging


* of course the price of BE is slightly higher than SRG.
* the gold particles in BE susah skit nak keluar compared to SRG
* BE texture lighter than SRG.
* the packaging of BE using glass and it looks classy. The Rose Gold color is totally me! BUT not travel friendly. BERAT.
* the packaging of SRG using plastic and ringan. The gold color of course add the value of this plastic packaging. Walaupun plastic stil nampak classy.
* This BE Rose Gold water essence target is customer between 25-35 years old (from their website...yang 35 yo above boleh try yang GOLD one)
* SRG target customers adalah hujung 20an ke atas.

This one BE punya..susah skit nak keluar gold particles tu.

This one SR gold water essence. Senang gak gold flakes tu keluar tau

Comparison in term of ingredients & functions.


*SFR Gold Essence diperkaya dengan beetox technology. Mengandungi Nano Gold 24K & Gold Flakes dan diperkaya dengan nutrients seperti madu + hialorunik asid.
* dengan hyalutonic acid, the moisture can be locked and retained up to 24hours. Woooowww
* menguatkan dan mempertahanman permukaan kulit bukan sahaja di outer surface malahan in inner structure seperti epidermis layer.
* prepares skin to absorb next product application (serum, moisturiser, primer, foundation)
* immediate hydration effects up to 130% in per application.


* the Bio Energy Complex ingredients help to improves, repairs, replenish the skin itself. Helps the absorption of the precious ingredients to the skin
*BE Rose Gold Water infused with Ejitsu, the Japanese rose extract which help to quench the thirsty skin.
* also helps to minimize n refine pores apperance.
* leaves skin soft and moist.
* reduce fine lines, the 24K Bio-gold  contain powerful anti oxidants properties to slow down the aging process of the skin.

So if you ask me which one i prefer the most?
I must say..i prefer both because I used both at the same time. It's nothing wrong to use both at the same time. Kata nak cantik macam awek korea kan...awek korea tempek macam-macam u olls. Tak percaya meh baca old articles kat sini.


Salam and hai.
Dah lama rasanya blog ni bersawang. As per mentioned earlier I was busy with some family matters. So i need to put on priority to my family first.

Kali ni nak cerita pasal Tao Lounge yang terletak dekat ja dengan rumah aku ni. Ala dekat Autocity je pun. Kalau kentut pun dengaq okey.  Okey ni tipuuuu...Hahahha.

Ni pun pi masa bulan Januari yang lepas. Apa yang menariknya Tao Lounge ni datang dengan konsep Ala Carte buffet...ALA CARTE BUFFET??? Apa tu??kompiuss ehhh...kalau nak tau dekat Tao Lounge ni dia akan bagi buku menu untuk kita order. So kita boleh order la dari menu tu macam-macam jenis makanan-makanan Jepun, Chinese, Korean khasnya. Basically its a serve buffet. Korang nak menu tu nanti dia akan prepare ikut apa yang korang nak la ye. Tapiiii korang kena la habiskan semua tau. Jangan membazir jemah. Tak baikkkk. Itu kan amalan syaitonnnnnirojimmmmm.

Jom kita cuci mataaaa dulu....

Nice place.

Yang kat sini terletak dekat buffet station tau.. so korang boleh la amik sendiri kan.

Jom tengok apa yang kami order;

I think this is chicken teriyaki

Unagi sushi

Prawn gapoever...

Chicken grilled gapoever.

Unagi bento gapoever.

This is my fav! Tapi tak tau nama apa apa..salmon gapoever jugak lah tewww

Mushroommmmm my fav!

Mutton sate!

My ultimate orgasm food! Kahkah..sashimi nyum2. I ate 3/4 of this sashimi. Can u guys imagine how much it will cost if I order dis at Sushi King? Memang gapoever la nak mateyyy harga dia kan.

Haaa lagi satu kalau hampa nak makan nasi..bolehbtry order nasi goreng garlic dia. Ok memang takda gambar tapi aku rasa yang Adriana punya memang sedap. Look biasa-biasa ja tapi rasa dia luar biasaaaa.

Personally those yang suka Asian authentic food boleh mai enjoy food dekat sini sebab sedap. Oh ya they also got Coffee Machine...ehh alaaa yang mesin kopi tekan2 korang nak mocha ka latte ka capuchinno ka expresso ka...hot choc ka. Haa memang best la ujung-ujung tu bedal hot choc dengan mocha.

Adriana pulak enjoy the ice cream. Maklum lah buffet kan...nak yang mana amik ja. Memang sedap la kan duk amik ja.


RM56 per person.

Kids harga lain tapi husband aku tak ingat dah ye.

For a Japanese food lover yang sukakan sashimi,and apa yang aku makan kat atas ni the price is quite affordable. Imagine 4 slices of tuna/salmon sashimi will probably cost me like RM20+ . But see, my sashimi plate penuh macam-macam variety of fish kot. 

Tenkiu Mr Papa bawak mama and anak2 mai makan tang sini. 

For those yang nak tau details pasal Tao Lounge Autocity ni boleh check on detauls dekat bawah ye.

Monday to Thursday
05.00pm till 02.00am

Friday, Saturday and Public Holiday
05.00pm till 03.00am

Live Band
Monday - Saturday
10:00pm till 1:15am

Friday & Saturday, Eve of & Public Holiday
10:45pm till 2:00am

Happy hours 
05.30pm till 09.00pm

1820-F1 & 1822-F1, Jalan Perusahaan Autocity, North South Highway Juru Interchange, 13700 Prai, Penang.
T: +604-5017826
F: +604-5026606


by Alia Farhan, 3:21 AM
I'd been very busy for past few weeks. My fil was ill. I was busy handling the kids while my husband was doing his best to take care of his father.

My fil passed away last week on tuesday while I was at home with kids. Al Fatihah to my late fil. Can u Imagine rushing from the mainlad to the island before everyone rushing for work that day. Pffft. Nasib baik cepat 10 minutes. Kalau tak memang stuck in the jem la..kena cari roti sapu jem pulak.

It was one of the reason why I've been hiatus for past few weeks. Pardon for my absence during all this while.

My small family also supposed to perform umrah this month but due to my fil health condition, the doc advice us not to. Indeed Allah is a great planner. He know the best. Hopefully there will be another chance for us to perform our Umrah soon.

Our visa photo...tapi tak dapek nak poie pulak. So kita buat kenangan je lah. Comel nya anak-anak mama ni

So .....Now I'm back to share more n more here. Macam tak percaya...february soon will leave us. May we have a greater day by day soon.

Tempat idaman hati. Menangis tengok giliran tahun tunaikan haji. Semoga dipercepatkan dan semoga panjang umur untuk mengerjakan ibadah haji.

Everytime i look at Nabawi Mosque...hati tenang setenang-tenangnya. I dont know how to describe my feelings. Allah, i feel belong to this place. 

I hope everyone (My fellow Muslim readers) reading my post will also get the chances to be in this holly place. May Allah simplify our journey to be there. 
