pray for me

by Alia Farhan, 7:47 AM
esok 2nd round interview......
pliz pray for me.....
really nid d job now!
Ya Allah,Kau permudahkan lah segala urusan hamba-Mu ini...


in , by Alia Farhan, 6:29 AM
td dpt kol from Ibiden,Penang..for interview...
so she asked me i da nk abeh belajaq ka blum n i said i tgh intern skrg n ujung bln 11 ni akn abeh
n she asked me either pasni ada lg ker sem belajaq..n i said no...and i'm looking foward to work after my intern..
she asked me my availability to be interviewed n i said dis coming friday shud be orait...
asked bout the details of the company...
same core bisnes as sumitomo she said bcoz she'd seen my resume...
n d word plating attract her...
i asked her wut post i will be interviewed for..n she said actually they hev many post available since its a new plant which wil operate early next year...
n she said...tgk i match which post...
dgaq mcm tu trus rsa relieved..
i asked her who will interview me..sp lim ada ka..
n she asked me how do i know sp lim...
ishkk of coz la i know him...
he's my manager from previous company sumitomo kot
kind of relieve bila dgaq sp lim yg akan interview
tp tu lah kan...
my result tu mcm tak best sgt...(chemical engineering is dem hard u know!)
totally depending on the experience i gained from sumitomo...
hopefully i wil get the job....

*hope i get d job bcoz i heard they wil send their workers to japan for training and for 3 months...(tolong lah dpt...Amin)

Paramore - The Only Exception (Video)

by Alia Farhan, 7:28 AM

When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist

But darling,
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness

Because none of it was ever worth the risk

Well, You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream


You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, And I'm on my way to believing

i think...

by Alia Farhan, 5:03 AM
i think.....
n think....
i shud stop bloggin here...
n go somewhere else....
i dunt know
hevent make up my mind...
but oreddy been blogging sumwhere else...
time to xplore another blog...


by Alia Farhan, 8:04 AM
ahh....stupid la hg...
bwak keta mcm sial...
pastu ada hati nk sound2 aku
takyah ckp byk...
i lift my middle finger..dats it...
enuff of dat....
bodoh pnya org pon ada dlm dunia ni
wat malu mak bpak yg lahir kan hg ja...
kecik2 takmau mati...
bila besaq nyusahkan org sekeliling
banggang yg amat
aku harap hang mati eksiden sbb kebiadapan hang.....

show me d money$$$$

by Alia Farhan, 7:38 AM


Either its in RM..USD..AUSD...POUND STERLING...EUROPE pnya matawang...wut we kol it haa?even RUPEE or RUPIAH....YEN or wutso ever...

Name it...semua org mesti suka kan nya

Me??!!definately hell yesss......

Sapa lah tak suka duet kan....

Sapa ckp duet tu tak penting?raise up both of ur hands pliz!

Nmpk sgt ckp x ikut logic akal...opsss....

Wut i say here is....

Bygkan without money....

Korang akan:

· Xdpt education spt yg spatutnya...nk beli buku yg mahal2 tuh...nama ja kjaan ckp yuran xdak tp bohong ja...yg len2 smua stil ada lg...pastu...kalo mcm aku...mama mst antaq p tuisyen...kalo p tuisyen...duet la kan..harap maklum...masa zaman aku p tuisyen intensif kt cikgu sham...sebulan msa cuti sem...almaklumlah aku kan dok sek sains...(tp lmbt nk cuti kena la p tuisyen intensip..kalo tak...lg mcm haram la kot results spm aku)...balik psai yuran tuisyen intensif kt cikgu sham...korg tau dak brpa it cost my parents?...rm480 for 4 subject....gila babeng tak?...tym tu aku amek utk subject chemistry(sbb aku mmg ska haram tak score p class blajaq..aku tdoq...berhantu weh dok SBP ni..keja nk lena ja)...physic(yg ni mmg aku lemah sgt2...nama ja dak sek sains konon...)...add math(yg ni masa form 4-5..aku rsa mcm ssh sgt....bila aku msuk amek dip tu rsa alah..mcm fungsi trigonometri tu senang ja..awat tym sekolah bengap smcm kalo lani suh wat blik..mrangkak la nk wat)....pastu ngn math modern(yg ni ok la...boleh lah)...pjg aku bebel plak....masa msuk unikl plak...korg ingat awai2 tu trus dpn loan mara ka....self sponsored beb....masa dip abah n mama la..tyme degree awai2 tu mama la..sob2...sedey nya.....smp kena wat bisnes la nk survive (jgn salah paham okei...bisnes halalan toyibbah pnya..juai sosej,nugget la..perfume la)....see...sapa kata duet tu x penting?!!habaq mai sat

· Xdpt taraf kesihatan yg lebeh baek....cthnya...korg agk2 lah kan...kalo korg takdak duet..korg leh p dak clinic ka hospital swasta ka....lumrah la org kita lani berlagak kak aku kata(kak aku seorg doctor..dia ni ckup anti dgn org2 yg tak sedaq dri p hospital nk dptkan treatment tp haram lgsg tak tau bersyukur....siap komplein itu ini lah...kalo kt clinic or hospital private...xdak plak nk ni kan...) aku plak kan...korg dah la byaq RM1 kt hospital kjaan tu..RM5 kalo nk jmpa least show some respect la to the doctors....diorg tu keja penat tau tau keja complaint ja....bak kata kak aku kalo patients dia yg byk songeh tuh “ kalo awk rsa ubat kt hospital ni tak ckup bagus....awak boleh p private....sya DR NADIA SAID, awk boleh laporkan dkt pengarah hospital kalo awak xpuas ati dgn lyanan yg saya bg dkt awk...terima kaseh”...hahaha...see,kakak aku ni jenis lantang sket mulut dia..sama la mcm aku ni..tak puas ati sound direct saja....berbalik kepada taraf kesihatan yg baek yg aku ckap td...cthnya skrg ni bajet utk hospital telah dpotong oleh kerajaan sbyk 30%...n ini telah nyebabkan kos pembelian ubat-ubatan dikurangkan...dlm konteks ini...ada sesetengah ubat yg bgus2 xdpt la hospital kerjaaan nk blame the government due to dis crisis the doctors ni akan la recommend depa pnya patients beli kt luaq...dah la org rekemen beli kt luaq ubat yg bagus...bleh plak nk sound2 doctor “ehh doctor ni...saya dtg hospital ni sbb sya nk amek ubat bukannya saya nk amek doc pnya ni p beli kt luaq..” apa la mentality mcm ni.... tak tau nk name kan third class ka forth class yg personal kan tu akak aku ckp selalu nya cikgu2...mmg dia anti abeh la golongan2 ni...sbb suka sgt berlagak pandai...sabaq je lah kakak aku dgn golongan2 mcm ni....ermmm....berbalik kepada ni...kalo la takdak duet,korg rsa2 boleh dak nk beli ubat yg harga dia kdg2 sebijik leh capai RM4-5?....pikir2...

· Xdpt respect dr mmg boleh nmpk kan?kalo lah org tu kaya...semua org dok sendeng2 angkat2 n julang2 org tu kan..cuba bila org tu jatuh miskin..ada lg ka org nk dekat2 ngn dia...okei lah..ini trjadi sdri lah kan kt family aku...dlu msa family aku ni mcm susah sket, xdak plak sstgh org tu nk mai dekat2....bila mama da senang sket...angah or kakak aku da brstatus DR ni kan...n aku n adek aku pon da amek higher education yg agak brprofile tinggi ni kan(Sgguh peraSan nya)...rmai sgguh tetiba mengaku kenalan la..apa lah...pdhal selama ni where r u guys??!!dis such thing quite annoying n i hate it!

· Xkkan dpt beli cinta or kaseh syg?betul ker ni?bunyi mcm materialistic kan..bukan material plastic ok...aku bukan la pure budak aku tak tau sgt psal plastic ni...just tau psal thermoplastic ngn apa ntah..tu pon sebab blajaq masa stadi biopolymer dlu...okei..berbalik psal cinta n kaseh syg?boleh ka duet beli kaseh syg or cinta?okei...bygkan...kalo korg nk kawen...mst korg pkai duet kan?hantaran la..kenduri smua cost yg pkai duet...n bukan air liuq sbg modai ok....hantaran lani smua demanding..even pompuan tu spm tak abeh pon nk at least RM5k kan?blum kira duet blanja kndri lg...tu blum kira nk p merisik la meminang la..nk amek hati bakal mak mertua lg sebelum tu..mst la nk beli buah anggur la ayam golek la kan..kalo takdak duet..boleh ka smua 2?bukanlah nk kata duet boleh beli cinta at least dgn duet boleh la confident sket kan..kita pon kalo jd mak org pon mst la kita nk ank kita tu kawen ngn org yg leh bg jaminan kt anak cucu kita kan....kan?logik dak apa aku ckp ni?sdri mau pikirla...

· Xdpt nk buh duet minyak....ha pon isu ka?isu la wei...minyak kan lani mahai bila minyak mahai gila..smua otomatik jd mahai..bila dah mahai....nk bubuh duet minyak setong kereta pon rsa mahai nk mampoih...bygkan kalo keta wira pon cikai2 RM70 full mayb mahai sket sbb keta kt umah aku pkai RON97 ok...(ni sebab aku dok promote kt mama ngn angah psai kebaikkan RON97 brbanding dgn RON95...cewah mentang2 la dak chemical engineering..poyo ja!) blame the government again due to high fuel price walhal kita ni Negara pengeluar minyak okei!sorry la..aku ni pro-pembangkang sket...kalo tak ska dgn pndpat aku sorry lah pikir kan sdri la ya...kalo smua nk kata kan YA ja apa yg gov tu wat even salah pon...tak tau la nk jdi apa ngn Malaysia nnt kan)tu weekly...kalo dah sebulan darab la dgn 4....dah RM280 kot....tu minyak ja...belum maintenance keta la pajadah lg lah...tgk smua ni duet..kan aku da ckp td....

· Xdpt nk beli apa2 yg korg idam kan...cthnya mcm aku lani kan...lani kiranya aku xdak duet...maksud aku..duet aku xckup byk lagi la...aku tingin nk beli LANCER yg kaler merah maroon bila nmpk ja kt jalan tu terus aku gigit jari aku...kdg2 ketap gg aku mcm org kancing gg pon ada..sakit ati wei!bila la aku nk ada duet byk mcm tu..ada keja yg best at least dlm RM4.5k monthly,bru best nk beli LANCER idaman aku....tu at least mau la RM1.2k nk byaq monthly kan....nk msuk ASB monthly RM500 at least sebulan..tu kalo gaji aku RM4.5k la...amek lg plakyg maybank pnya ASB loan tu lg RM50k ka...fuhhhh....dlm 10 thun lg...pehh masyuk wei....oklah..aku tau aku kuat tak salah kan nk dreaming....hopefully apa yg aku nak tercapai la kan

Apapun bg aku....duet tu sgt penting n teramat lah penting....kalo lah takdak duet..apa pun xleh wat...smua pkai duet zaman lani cheq oii bak kata mama aku...

Nk kawen pon bukan pkai modai cinta ja...semua modai duet....nk kawen,nk bersalin, nk beli susu anak..bukan modai cinta kaseh syg ja...modai dia semua DUET!


by Alia Farhan, 6:49 AM

blame me for not updating anything here
blame me
blame me
dear blog...
pliz dont ever hate me
its wasnt my fault it's totally d tenet connection dat totally sux..
so mnyampah...
streamyx y u so sux now haa?
ahh benci ko streamyx....