
by Alia Farhan, 11:38 PM

okei...sya nk chantek n menawan mcm dia....leh ker?


by Alia Farhan, 8:11 PM
okei...last entri psal how worried i am last nite kan...so dis entri sbb celcom yg stupida....mmg cr psal btol la celcom ni...aku slalu perasan dlm sbln sekali...akn ssh nk cntct amir..mntang2 la kol kami smua free...1+5 la katakan..tp jgn la smp mcm tu...bg org risau ja...kol asik msuk voicemel ja...sms pon pending ja..mmg pening la aku smlm...last2 fb jugak yg ni ktorg smlm...sbb tu dia pelik apsal aku diam ja...tp bleh plak dia x msg ker apa..takut aku da tdoq...huhu...mcm la xtaw aku ni burung hantu....last2 dia restrt blik dia pnya fon br smua sms msuk.....apa pon dem yu celcom..so stupida!


by Alia Farhan, 11:07 AM
okei...aku risau...dr td aku kol amir tak dpt2...smua msuk voice mail...Ya Allah...tlg la...rsa risau sgt....x suka...x suka...

mira bongek!

by Alia Farhan, 5:05 AM
mira dak umah aku yg bongek!x berak2 da 2 minggu...dok brcrita ttg hal berak dia yg x kuaq....dok bygkan mcm mana taek dia yg 2 minggu nk kuaq...okei...abaikan ya entri ni...


by Alia Farhan, 2:09 AM
apa la entri mcm ni kan...boring la eksheli...td br antaq fnal draft kt mr law...so by friday da leh dpt kot...so get ready nk p kl nk wat hardcover jer lah...huh....psal short sem..nnt la p jmpa pak usop...stadi sdri jer lah ...adoiii....mcm mana ni...risau!xpa...dis is my final....so kena wat baek2...jgn risau psal keja alia...Allah tu Maha Adil n Maha Penyayang...mst akan dia letakkan punya rezeki kt hamba2 dia yg rajen menuntut ilmu ni(cewah!rajen ka?)....kalo xdpt keja jugak by jan....smbg master la jawabnya cik alia!kena la pkiaq nk wat tittle apa pulokkkk.....oppppssss....mati!kawen lmbt la jwabnya!xmohhh....hrp2 sgt dpt la keja kan....kwn2 u ada keja kt manufacturing company ka...semiconductor ka...oil n gas ka(cecey...xleh blah)...HELP ME!!...huhu

tips rambut lebat menawan

in , by Alia Farhan, 4:33 AM
tips2 rmbut lebat n menawan:
  1. mandi at least skali kena la bg air kena kt rmbut...cth kalo pg x smpat takut rmbut basah ka apa...pastikn mandi malam kena la basahkan jugak rmbut tuh...kalo kita sdri pon x minum air satu hari...mst kita dahaga kan...sama la ngn rmbut kita beb...
  2. syampu rmbut xleh lebey dr 2x seminggu...nnt rmbut byk gugur n kering....
  3. mask kan rmbut seminggu 2 kali kalo rajen...sekali pon da kira orait la tuh
  4. wat rwtn minyak pnas...dis is my way...(panaskan dulu minyak masak....then let it cooled first..then br letak kt rmbut...n then wrapped kn rmbut tu left it overnite...bgun esk pg br syampu n put the conditioner as usual..hasilnya,tadaaa...rmbut yg menawan da lebey ber"volume")
  5. bila pkai body butter kat badan kita tu...yg lebeh2 tu sapu kt ujung rmbut sket...biasanya kt ujung rmbut tuh kn kering....
  6. jgn ikat rmbut kuat sgt...
  7. jgn tdoq dgn rmbut yg diikat...
  8. selalu2 lpaskan rmbut kalo kt umah
  9. letak plain yogurt kt rambut pon bgus jugak...letak kat muka pon boleh
  10. skali skala gunakan xyah gunakan syampu...tp guna kan limau purut ka...kesan dia sama dgn syampu...tp lg best...cuba try ya kawan2...
huhu...10 tips2 berguna utk jaga rmbut....

ni msa duk wat treatment rmbut...skali skala leh la...mana ada byk wit nk wat slalu...wat kt rumah da slalu2

ni la hasilnya...tadaaaa.......lebat n menawan!(pasan nya..i know...ok!)

~~You And Me ~~

by Alia Farhan, 7:27 AM

my all time faveret love song!!

what day is it
and in what month
this clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up
and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to lose
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you

all of the things that I want to say
just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping inwards
you got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you

there's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
everything she does is beautiful
everything she does is right

you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to lose
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you

you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you

what day is it
and in what month
this clock never seemed so alive