
by Alia Farhan, 9:21 AM
adushhhh....demam la plak..i hate it!sgt xsuka...okei!pliz alia..get well soon...xlarat gila ni tau...sgt2 x larat...keja byk plak tuh...pliz2...fever,go away from me!xlarat aihhh.....

anyone..help me!

by Alia Farhan, 11:41 AM
okei...anyone yg terer psal ring type reactor pliz immediately PM me...seriously nid help in order to complete my lab report regarding RTR...dem....i browse it like trillions time(i noe dis sound so pembohong!sja nk wat perumpamaan lebey2 sket)... in google but dpt ciput jer...i know its a combination of CSTR n PFR but..i nid brief explanation regarding to its operation...aiyaaa....sudaaa jem lo~tulun2....


by Alia Farhan, 7:36 AM
okei...fine...mmg tgh headache skrg ni but then tgn gatai2 p browse kt photos nya file n then ternampak la byk gambaq2 yg dok tgkp..kt dlm lab la...nu la ni la...al maklum la camwhoring!hehe...so la ni...i want 2 uploads all the gedix photos....jgn maraah cheq naa....cheq mmg suka dok camwhoring ni...

ni sambil dok tgu photo2 upload..haishhh...lembab nya....haishhh

how'r u guys doin lately?i've been quite bz sumtymes wif my fyp's presentation n the thesis nid 2 b submit which happened 2 be just around d corner...
wif reaction engineering mini project plus wif the petrochem-Sulfuric Acid Plant Design Prototype!haiyaaa...completely sounds terrible...i know!
but i hev 2 face it anyway..there's no way 4 me 2 escape!

but i knew d only way for me to stay cool on the track is by chill wif my frenz to sumwhere dat i definately can put aside the things behind for a while..i hope so...
i heard the Gatsby Deodorant will have some event...so called as Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair...sounds pretty cool....

dis super fun event is happening on:

Date: 17th April 2010
Time: 10am till 5pm
Venue: Front Foyer, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur.

not only dat guys...there will be lots of:
  • lucky draws and various cool gadgets worth up to RM15,000 up for grabs!
  • exciting fun-fair games on that day - Sumo Wrestling (in air bag suits!), gladiator battles and other amusing and addictive games you would expect at a fun-fair!
(click there for more infos dear...)

sounds great n interesting rite?so let's go there n hev some fun there!yehuuuu......i hope i can join it...eventho i currently in melaka..i will definately join dis event....will ask sha to accompany me...

jIwA KaCaU

by Alia Farhan, 9:50 PM

oKEi..jiWA tGh kaCaU SkRg!


by Alia Farhan, 8:58 PM

"don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are,
what you want to express by the way you dress"
Gianni Versace

she's my fashion icon..adore her...she know how to mix n match..rock her style even she's wearin shawl...head up 2 u yuna....huhu...gud luck!(support local music!~~iklan sat)

haha...ok2...i dunt regret at all okay..sometimes la i feel dat at only certain conditions...hehe...i hev 2 make it faster okei..as i got reaction's report 2 finished before 2am...which means i only got 1 n half hr more...adoyaiii...mcm mana tuh?its ok..its ok..i know i can do it..engineer in the making la konon..hopefully..InsyaAllah n Amin!...

ok la here comes d lists which come out from my mind la kan y women will regret taking chemical engineering....
  • okei...1stly...dis one for those women who likely to wear make-up all the times...i bet they must be regret kan...sbb kalo msuk lab mcm separation or reaction yg panas2 tu..make-up akan cair...n muka berminyak ja...siap bleh p distill lg minyak2 yg ada kt muka tu guna bubble cap column ka bla bla bla...
  • 2nd...for those yg suka bergaya....kalo g class mmg la leh bergaya...blouse ka...mini dress+long cardi ka...bila da strt ada lab...siap kena pkai jaket biru...safety helmet la..safety shuz yg berat amat(nak2 yg MICET provide..dah la hi cut,sakit mampos...nasib bek la i pkai my safety shuz masa keja dulu..thanx SMiED)...xkan la korg sgup nk xchange baju 2 3 kali semata2 nk bergaya...kalo mcm tu..mmg tegar la kamu...n bila da keja..kalo la kena keja kt petronas ka...haa..kena plak pkai coverall mcm setan digi tuh...auwww...comey kan...susah woo kalo nk terkencing sbb kita ni pompuan kan...adoyaiii...da pernah rsa da...then kalo kena keja kat semiconductor pnya industries plak...haaa..siap kena pkai smock smua..lg la naya...
  • 3rd....had ni mmg semua sedia maklum la kan...bahaya beb...risiko kemandulan tinggi...adoiiii...yg ni aku plg takot taw!had penyakit len tak pyah la cerita...cancer la...bla bla bla...
  • 4th...kalo pompuan yg lemah gemalai tu mesti xleh blah pnya...kena lasak la beb...nak2 kalo blajaq kt UniKL-MICET yg penuh ngn hands on ni...msak beb...lab memanjang..report la...kena jaga otak elok2..takot nnt wayar putus trus weng..naya ja..dah la lab berjam2....sabaq ja lah....tp saya sgt suka reaction engineering sebenaqnya..tp xtaw kenapa saya xleh nk score dlm test 1hr tuh...lg satu aku rsa...chemical eng is tougher compared to civil...electric..electronic or mechy....sbb smua menda nk kena blajaq...electric la...mechanical dsign la...control n pneumatic system la...haisshhhh~
  • 5th...yg ni aku rsa aku plg tak leh blah..bila amek design...nk2 bila individual major equipment design..mmg rsa nk nanges beb...2 minggu x tdoq mlm wat calculation design yg gila mencabar otak aku...sorry 2 my BFF shahila yg dtg lepak umah tp mdpt layanan yg istimewa n selalu teman kan i wat keja kt A Famosa Resort...aku rsa bukan pompuan ja yg akn tension bila wat design...lelaki2 pon akn ckp"uwaaa...mcm salah pilih kos aja!"...haha
so ni la top 5 reasons y women akan rsa nyesal amek chemical engineering...as for me...i ngaku kdg2 rsa mcm susah sgt...tp i will never give up!