
by Alia Farhan, 8:14 AM
penat ngn lab fyp...penat bca journal yg related ngn fyp...da naek berbinau mata..pendek kata penat gila la....haisshhhh.............

ni la ha...aku pnya raw material fyp..best kan..leh mkn!

had ni utk ngappp!!masyuk sambal tumis udang petai!

had ni br la pkai utk fyp!

conclusion nya:aku leh mkn udang ngn sngat ebat d spjg fyp ini berlangsung!yehaa

new semester....

by Alia Farhan, 1:46 AM
new sem has only begin...aiyaaa...br ja semlm got reaction class wif miss kelly..mcm menarek..i liokke her style...so straight after her class yesterday, trus p lab chemistry to cont my fyp...my chitosan stil in progress and 2day at 10.45am p lab chemistry to continue again...mula2 wat rs xcited sgt la kan...then bila da asik msuk lab...wat keja alone...jd bohsan nk mam rsa nya...adoyaiii....hopefully by tomorrow can finish it n can proceed wif the nx stage which is 2 produce a thin film of chitosan that can heal d wounds n also can reduce the scar la...hopefully menjadi la kan...aiyooo...but after dat msuk testing stage plak which i hev 2 test the tensile strength n the surface morphology...aiyaaa....so many phase kan?huhhhh....hopefully all the thin film wil be finished within dis month..so nx month just proceed wif the testing....fyi,surface morphology 2 test kt USM which is a big YESSSSS to me....bleh la jmpa mR A terchenta...hehehe...apa pepatah melayu kata, menyelam sambil minum air?haha...n tomorrow got petrol chemical class wif en syed....hopefully can score wif dis two subject n also the fyp...penat kot wat fyp terchenta ni....mR Law, i nk A bleh?heheh

hehe...td dok list out la kan..perangai pelik sejak kecik smp la la ni..hehe...mmg ngarut jugak la...berikut adalah perngai pelikku(skema nya my words):
  • since baby lg..kalo tgh2 mlm my late abah touched me...i will cry..then bila umoq 4 years old,my mama kta i slalu ckp "abah,tgan abah panas la..." kira nya, i kan ley detect la my late abah pnya sentuhan ka my mama pnya sentuhan..n sebab tu la mama kata...i jd anak kesygn abah...d#$%...rindu nya kat abah...Al-Fatihah...acik sentiasa jd anak kesyangan abah kan?i love you so much abah!
  • suka mkan jagung rebus ker jagung bakar ka..tp xsuka mkan jagung kecik yg org letak dlm sayur tuh..yeksss...lagi satu..xsuka minum air jagung..mkn ice cream jagung...(rsa nya so fake n byk additives!!)...jagung dlm tin yg org pkai letak dlm apam blik pon xsuka..so kalo beli..akn request xnak ltak jagung..pelik kan?
  • dulu masa kecik mama kata kalo bwk p supermarket..kalo jmpa ank cina,mst i cubit...tp kalo bdak tu cubit..i nangeh...hehe..mcm apa ja prnagai..malu ja!
  • kalo shopping tu lebey tertarek utk shopping shuzzz...dunno y la kan...berlambak da kasut kt umah n kat umah sewa ni...mama da warning da...kalo beli lg,nnt mama campak smua kasut yg ada kt dlm umah ni..ok ma, acik repent da..xmau bli kasut lg da..leh caya ka?huhu...pernah satu tym tuh kt my hometown jitra,ada amaran banjir...then, i cpat2 p amek my fav shuzzss msuk dlm...nk pack bwk lari in case..gila dak?mama, adek n angah gelak gila dgn perangai i...heheh..pikiaq2 blik,mmg lawak gila!
  • suka ckp fon tiap2 mlm sblom tdoq dgn mR A...thanx sbb layan perangai gila ku ini...hehe
  • xsuka mkan durian sbb nnt akan sakit kepala..kalo mkn pon tak leh lebeh dr 3 ulas..kalo x nnt mdpt la...nk mkn ubat pon xleh sbb da mkn durian kan...so, i better not eat it unless i want to get a serious headache....tp kan, i suka mkn petai!!weee...sedapppp....awet muda u...
tu ja la kot my perangai2 pelik sejak kecik smp la sekarang...hehehe...manusia kan..mmg mcm2 ragam la....


by Alia Farhan, 8:22 AM
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...
P/S:I love u so much mR A!

The road to true love was never easy, I know I've hit all the bumps, but now I'm standing strong saying, I love you, 'til the end of time

new year resolutions!!

by Alia Farhan, 6:23 AM
hey...its not too late rite 2 mentioned my new year resolutions,rite?huh...it's just 8th january rite...hehe...
so here goes the new year resoultions:
1)kurus kan bdan!!!mesti mau jd nya dis tyme...hehhhh...da promise ngn en amir n en adek...
2)xmau da shopping sgt2...insap...heheh..berjimat cermat!!
3)study rajen2(nk score dis sem....mst nk naekkn pointer yg jatuh bergolek2 itu)
4)wat duet lebey...byk sgt dlm pala otak ni..heheh
5)xmau da dok bertengkag ngn mama ja..heheh
6)control baran i neh!!InsyaAllah i will try my best!
7)kurangkan maki org...
8)kurangkan berckp...(tp x la jd pendiam)
9)kurankan gelak....
10)abeh study.....
13)tggu 2011....then kawen plak!yehaaa....ishkkk2 gedix sgguh la

~~last vacation for 2009--phuket n krabi~~

by Alia Farhan, 9:54 AM

hye..its been awhile x update blog kn...mcm la bz sgt..cuma besa la kalo kt umah jrang on9 sbb mls la nk berebut ngn akmal kan..so last dec 09,me mama,me angah,me adek n me self telah wat tour to phuket ala2 backpackers...mmg abeh best la...syiokkk sgt..pengalamn tak terhingga!!
at early 25th dec 09-9.30 am from home(gtra) off to bukit kayu hitam n after dat parking keta there...n walked to danok(border thai)..here, hev to do all those immigration things...rmai gila org mesia nk p bercuti kt thai mcm ktorg...
so from danok we took a van to hatyai...n the journey from danok to hatyai is bout 1 hr...waaaa....so panas...i tot my hometown gtra tu da ala2 siam but then in thai it is more hotter...haiyaa...basah jugak ketiak la...abeh satu mineral botol besa dkerjakan oleh kami 4 org...
so at 11.30am(msia time)/10.30(thai time)...reached to hatyai...n then rehat jap minum2w hile waiting for the next trip to phuket at 12.30(msia time)..makaih...air teh ice dia manis gila..stock potong kaki pnya la..da la buh susu pekat..buh lagi plak gula...mau potong kaki gila2 pnya la...hehe...agk susah nk ckp ngn diorg ni sbb diorg cannot speak english very well nasib baek la my mom can speak thai(sbb ktorg ada darah siam belah mak---tp ktorg lgsg tak reti pon ckp siam!!)
border msia n thailand!!

so from hatyai...we took a limo van..very comfortable la n affordable...bout 370 baht(rm37)..huhu...so the journey took around 6 n 1/2 hr...so penat la..aircond rs mcm perlahan gila ja..pdhal driver tu ckp da abeh full da...mayb bcause the weather there is differ from us in msia...so reached phuket tu kira da senja la...from phuket town,my sis deal la nk p melawat mana ngn agency tuh...murahhh seyyy..berlayar ngn kapal utk ke phi phi island,krabi cost only rm160...so all the way to phi2 island akn p 2 tmpt lg...sound so interesting kan...lg interesting bila da p sana...walaweiii...sumpah best!

in the limo van wif my bro!!

riding a tuk tuk!!must ride there!!

n then we ahead to patong area...very fames la kan kt phuket ni kira nya tmpat mat2 n minah2 salleh dok jd sotong kering bersidai..topless belaka...hahah..so,hotel yg ktorg dok tu kol as arimana...rm180 per day..kalo low season dpt dlm rm80 jer...besa la tym2 ni kan rmai...nk ckp psal hotel...mmg byk n bercambah jer hotel kt patong ni sesuai la utk backpackers esp from student category...fully recommended to go there at low season april-oct..tyme neh murah gila2 la...

rindunya patong beach!!

so..mlm smp tu ktorg jln2 p shopping mall kt patong tuh...ok la..walked along the bangla road n watched sum ayam doin some bisnes wif mat salleh..it's a normal scene here ok?heheh...
fro the 2nd day we decided to rent the scooter for the whole day n it cost bout rm35...normally it cost only rm20 if i not mistaken...mmg sgt2 best...sesat mcm mn pon akn maen dekat dlm patong jer...ptg tuh shopping2 ngn mama,angah n adek along the burma road...n for lunch n dinner, ktorg mkn kt restoran ghadafi...sedap sgt!!dunt worry bout the halal fuds..there are lot of muslims restaurant n stalls in patong...tp kena pndai2 xplore la...(ni pon kami jmpa msa sesat2 nek scooter)..after shopping tu trus p mandi kt patong beach tuh...best!air dia jerneh sgt!!i liokkke!!enuf of dat...

patong beach!!

jln2 around patong!!

muslim's fud at ghadafi..yummmyyyy...

me n lil bro@patong beach!!

bwah disco...ats court tomoi beb!

pas swimming kt patong beach!luvin it...

n for the third day..haaa..tyme ni la kami p phi2 island, krabi...otw tu kami sempat p snokerling kat khai island n maya bay....chantek waa ckp lu...huhu...plg xcited skali msa kt maya bay la...sebab dlm gila kot...hahha...tp best sgt rsa...tp ikan2 dia besa2 ja...yg best sbb pelayaran tuh kot...coral dier pon cannot beat kt sapi island kat tunku abdul rahman,sabah....huhu...tgk!!kan da addicted to snorkeling da...adoyaiii...so after snorkeling at dis two place...we r heading to phi2 island....cantek wei..kt sna...we r given 1 n half hr to walked around the island..the island is very unique n i'm loving it..nnt honeymoon nk ajk en amir mai huneymun kt sni la...best weiii!!
so msa blik tu kira da penat gila da sbb dok snorkeling la apa la...so trus tdoq ngn adek kt atas kapal tuh...sedaq ja da smp kt jetty...waaa....penat giler!huhu...tp berbaloi2...so mlm tu pon mkn kt ghadafi lg...pas mkn tu g wat facial treatment( 1 hr)-rm25 jer...then aroma mssage pon rm25 ja...sgt best!huhu

khai island....jgn tgk yg blkg tu lama2 sgt..ok?

@cruisers....@maya bay!!

jerneh kan air ?

so in laf wif dis place!

@ the dining hall

arriving to phi2 island krabi..

me n my mama...love her so much..thanx ma...

phi2 tour!!

phi2 inn

tsunami evacuation route!!......

fourth day..ni la hr yg da nk kena blik!!!bohsan....xsuka!!kalo bleh mcm nk duk ja kt patong tuh...rsa boring ja duk dlm bas tu(kali ni kami blik hatyai guna bas plak)...cost rm36...sumpah sakit bontot..maybe sbb ati dok ada kt patong jer kan...huhu...

student life?

by Alia Farhan, 1:16 PM
student life?ada org kata best?tp best ker?aku tak rasa pon best...ermmm..tetiba tingat tym keja dlu kt sumitomo...best gila..njoy tak ingat dunia la kan...skang ni...otak penat...bdan lagi la penat..kalo tym keja dlu..penat bdan jer...otak besa2 jer..huh...cannot handle la..nk2 jd student micet neh..mmg terseksa otak aku...bygkan...so many works yg nk kena submit last2 mins...n bleh plak ada sstgh lectrer yg assign kn ktorg ngn keja yg last minutes n he expect us to come wif a product like boom2 pow...n report like thesis...wtf..gila apa...n yg plg best subjct tu subject bodo2 jer...innovation jer pon...byk lg kena pikiaq...design la...downstream la..oil n fats la...packaging g...tp yg wat mcm ni pon lctrer lua...part timer kt micet..ngaja hancur...nk2 mcm ipta..blah la...benci gila rsa..ada patut lcture dia kul 6.0-7.30 ptg...mmg tak logis...kdg2 drag smp 7.45...cacat otak btul la kan...dia bajet ngajaq kt mana ntah..myb dia rasa dia ngajaq kt sheffield kot...hishhh...tp aku rsa best sgt..sbb keja da tinggai tak byk sgt...yesss.....beshnya..okla,nk cont wat esaimen packaging..nk anta esk jgk kalo leh...xmo tgguh g...so esk mlm leh la study oil n fat...gud timing tp maaflah en imran,i xdpt la nk anta report u jumaat ni...sorry yer...