Well eating moi kinda referesh my memories that i have wif my late abah..like seriously..T__T
Sebab apa?sebabnya i stil remember those days after SPM it was only me n abah at home..mama n adik pulak p kl...so both of us have a bad food poisoning...nak makan nasik...well mmg tak lah kan!minum ayaq pun keluaq balik...its either cherry berry or muntah...dua tu ja...so bila da ok sket by petang tu...i decided to cook for abah n me...a porridge!ok main hentam ja masak....letak ayam la...then letak isi ikan yang da direbus la...hahaha...never thought that abah loved it so much...n so do i....rasa mcm best ja...ya lah first time masak da ada org suka n appreciate sangat...tak ka suka nama nya..he's one of d reason i love cooking so much...u know why?sebab dia tak pernah kondem masakkan aku tak sedap eventho sometimes sangat miserable n xsedap!ok now i miss him so bad....wut eva it is....i hope he's doing well there...bcoz God love him more than i do....
Ok lah abah....
Gtg now...
Al Fatihah....
Lots of loves from your daughter,
Please enjoy the pics....
Oh ya moi is loghat utara...which is stand for bubur nasik or porridge...

Moi kosong+ayam

Ikan bilis goreng wif bawang, teloq dadar+bawang puteh goreng

Serunding daging nyum2

Campurkan semua..finally!yummylicious
Sebab apa?sebabnya i stil remember those days after SPM it was only me n abah at home..mama n adik pulak p kl...so both of us have a bad food poisoning...nak makan nasik...well mmg tak lah kan!minum ayaq pun keluaq balik...its either cherry berry or muntah...dua tu ja...so bila da ok sket by petang tu...i decided to cook for abah n me...a porridge!ok main hentam ja masak....letak ayam la...then letak isi ikan yang da direbus la...hahaha...never thought that abah loved it so much...n so do i....rasa mcm best ja...ya lah first time masak da ada org suka n appreciate sangat...tak ka suka nama nya..he's one of d reason i love cooking so much...u know why?sebab dia tak pernah kondem masakkan aku tak sedap eventho sometimes sangat miserable n xsedap!ok now i miss him so bad....wut eva it is....i hope he's doing well there...bcoz God love him more than i do....
Ok lah abah....
Gtg now...
Al Fatihah....
Lots of loves from your daughter,
Please enjoy the pics....
Oh ya moi is loghat utara...which is stand for bubur nasik or porridge...

Moi kosong+ayam

Ikan bilis goreng wif bawang, teloq dadar+bawang puteh goreng

Serunding daging nyum2

Campurkan semua..finally!yummylicious
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