Talking about yogurt...i guess semua orang mst suka makan kan...ada ka yg dislike yougurt ni?
Xmungkin kan..
Not only eating yogurt can improve ur digestion system...but yogurt nii ada byk jugak kegunaan lain dia...
Contohnya...byk Indian or Pakistan cuisine pkai yogurt dlm masakan depa..bcause yogurt can make their food or cooking taste better....
Tak caya...cer try sdri lah kn....
Well...i'm not gonna talk bout recipe tonite...what i want to share is bout yogurt masker which we can DIY at home by ourselve...simple...n cheap!
Mcam aku ni selalu jugak makan yogurt...so yg balance sket2 tu aku amek la campoq dgn stock collagen jelly yg aku da msak tu...selalunya aku ska makan strawberry yogurt...so mcm kira a bit cerdik la kn...u know kan ka strawberry tu high in vitamin c...vitamin c tu utk apa ya kwan2?of course la for our skin...yeayy...gaul yogurt ngn collagen jelly tu...pastu pkai ls dlm 15 minit mcm tu...
Pastu rinse la muka korang ngn air sejuk...fuhhh..besttt...refreshing sgt rsa..tak caya cuba try k

Muka msa pkai mask nk feeling2 mcm ni...
Heppy trying...
posted from Bloggeroid
I love yogurt! I usually have them thrice a week or more!
ReplyDeleteYeah..yogurt is great kn...we shud hev them as many as we cud....heheh