Ever wonder how's my life lately? Yeay...since entering motherhood...there is no more ME...MYSELF...yg ada...Adriana Adriana Adriana....all my personal matters become no 2...yeah...dats happened when u become a mom...I dont even have time for face treatment at home...face mask semua tolak sebelah la...
All I know...when she fast asleep...dats d time I have for laundry. ..clean up d mess..cleaning cloth diapers...sterilized the bottles and breast pump parts...etc n time tu jugakla berebut2 nk tdoq jugak! Hahaha. So bila masa nk memanjakan diri semua? Hmmmmm....
Ye lah..nk bising pun I bukannya ada maid...kalau ada maid senang lah! Nk bising kt Amir pun..dia pun penat jgk..msing2 pun penat..lucky me...dia jenis x berkira nk tolong bab2 basuh poo poo..pee pee or mandikan Adriana...lucky me kan...so bab2 cloth diapers...ebm handling n others mmg aku handle lah..bab2 sidai baju passkan dekat dia...nasib ada husband yg baik mau tolong...syukur sgt...dua2 sama paham... I must admit it aint easy peasy to become a working mom...TT
Nk update belog pun da xrajen sgt lani...mood ke laut ja..by d time ada mood ja...mst da mata ni berat....sudahnyaaa baik tdoq saja! Kalau last year bulan posa ja asik update resipi makanan yg masak kt dapoq...dis year...belom ada kesempatan lg..ni pun up satu entry sbb otw balik ke penang..dlm keta..n stuck dlm traffic congestion yg ntah tiba2 ada kt tgh2 hiway ni....hoihhh...kui brps la nk smpai ni...esok pun xtau la nk p keja ka tak..sbb Adriana catch cold..takut plak nk antaq dia p umah bbsitter. ..but qt d same time esok vendor pun akan masuk utk sama2 run method utk satu analysis...n if possible dis analysis akan jdi my Master pnya tajuk...but not sure yet...but boss da bg green light..tenkiu boss! Cuma harap sgt semangat aku kental utk siapkan proposal utk research aku ni...hopefully!!!!!
Hopefully Allah will help me grant all my wishes...n let me d best for Adriana...Amir n my work!

Layan je lah gmbaq2 kt atas tu yaaa
All I know...when she fast asleep...dats d time I have for laundry. ..clean up d mess..cleaning cloth diapers...sterilized the bottles and breast pump parts...etc n time tu jugakla berebut2 nk tdoq jugak! Hahaha. So bila masa nk memanjakan diri semua? Hmmmmm....
Ye lah..nk bising pun I bukannya ada maid...kalau ada maid senang lah! Nk bising kt Amir pun..dia pun penat jgk..msing2 pun penat..lucky me...dia jenis x berkira nk tolong bab2 basuh poo poo..pee pee or mandikan Adriana...lucky me kan...so bab2 cloth diapers...ebm handling n others mmg aku handle lah..bab2 sidai baju passkan dekat dia...nasib ada husband yg baik mau tolong...syukur sgt...dua2 sama paham... I must admit it aint easy peasy to become a working mom...TT
Nk update belog pun da xrajen sgt lani...mood ke laut ja..by d time ada mood ja...mst da mata ni berat....sudahnyaaa baik tdoq saja! Kalau last year bulan posa ja asik update resipi makanan yg masak kt dapoq...dis year...belom ada kesempatan lg..ni pun up satu entry sbb otw balik ke penang..dlm keta..n stuck dlm traffic congestion yg ntah tiba2 ada kt tgh2 hiway ni....hoihhh...kui brps la nk smpai ni...esok pun xtau la nk p keja ka tak..sbb Adriana catch cold..takut plak nk antaq dia p umah bbsitter. ..but qt d same time esok vendor pun akan masuk utk sama2 run method utk satu analysis...n if possible dis analysis akan jdi my Master pnya tajuk...but not sure yet...but boss da bg green light..tenkiu boss! Cuma harap sgt semangat aku kental utk siapkan proposal utk research aku ni...hopefully!!!!!
Hopefully Allah will help me grant all my wishes...n let me d best for Adriana...Amir n my work!

Layan je lah gmbaq2 kt atas tu yaaa
posted from Bloggeroid
haiya kejapnya masa berlalu. dah besar baby..
ReplyDeleteu look stil gorgeous.. HOT mama hihihi
Hee...thnx beb...
DeleteKjap ja kn my baby da besaa...
They grow up so fast!