Well...kenapa agak2?
Bagi aku simple...sbb kita perlukan duet! What for?of coz la untuk mcm2....cthnya...nak bayaq duet kereta sendiri...nak bagi parents..nk byaq loan mara mcm aku ni..pastu loan asb(untung ni beb!pelaburan bijak ni..sapa tak suka dpt dividen stinggi 8.9% mcm thun ni kan!)...pastu beli make up...handbag....gadget...beli lingerie sexy2 untuk seduce laki...n d list goes bla bla bla....
Mcm2 la jugak korg boleh wat bila ada pendapatan sndiri kan..tanpa perlu tunggu semuanya disponser oleh laki kan....unless kalau laki hg kaya nk mampos..minimum mnthly income up to 15k n will give u an allowance up to 3.5 k per month...then maybe takdak masalah eventho nk beli bra kat la senza mahupun xixili skali pun kn...
Tetapi......sebagai seorang wanita yg modern....tak kisah la kita taknak keja opis hr mcm aku yg makan gaji tiap2 bulan ni ka...well at least...kita leh generate income from home....contohnya...kalau terer gila wat apam polka dots ka...cuppies ka macaron ka doyan crepe ka....boleh ja korang nk generate ni as income...
kalau da laki kaya sgt...suruh laki suntik modal utk wat investment ka business ka....xkka tu lebeh bijak...abeh busuk pun ko mlas n tak pndai nk wat crepe ka...cupcake ka dsb...boleh ja kan..ko amek umah babysit anak orang...tak ka untung namanya....
Aku pun pernah cakap kat laki aku..aku nk resign...he definately disagree wif me...sebab apa?sebab dia tau...aku ni jenis org yg cpt bosan duk rumah...nnt da abeh ngemas..da abeh masak...da puas tdoq....mula la cri laki tak abeh2...kol bila u nak balik..bila u nak balik...hahaha...betoi jugak kan?!xka meroyan aku nk duk umah mcm tu....but he promised me when everything gets better....he will help me with my dream to open a restaurant!yeay yeayerrrs....he's such a great husband!
So from this time being....i'm not 100% depending on him to give me money....well at least i can help him a lot...yeah of course the portion to pay the bills...rental etc...2/3 cntribute by him...but at least i'm helping him wif another1/3 portion rite?well...dats how marriage works...depending on each other n not oly rely on one side only....
Well...i'm not try to be~little woman who doesnt work....but i encourage u guys to see what's your potential...see what is ur passion...n who know from ur passion..u can generate income,rite?
Afterall...we need to see frok different angle of our life...who know suddenly Lord decided to take the man of our life....maybe suddenly something bad that we cant imagine happened to our love one...so think of dis side...what would we do?should we blame our fate while we dont even dare to change our life and style?or should we start to do starting something new that can change our life and make our man proud of us?!
From my readings and from my surveys..men prefer independent women...who goes to work...earn money like they do...n not 100% financially depend on them....

Cuppies...kalau terer baking...boleh ja generate it as income....

Kemon bebeh...we can do it!!!
Bagi aku simple...sbb kita perlukan duet! What for?of coz la untuk mcm2....cthnya...nak bayaq duet kereta sendiri...nak bagi parents..nk byaq loan mara mcm aku ni..pastu loan asb(untung ni beb!pelaburan bijak ni..sapa tak suka dpt dividen stinggi 8.9% mcm thun ni kan!)...pastu beli make up...handbag....gadget...beli lingerie sexy2 untuk seduce laki...n d list goes bla bla bla....
Mcm2 la jugak korg boleh wat bila ada pendapatan sndiri kan..tanpa perlu tunggu semuanya disponser oleh laki kan....unless kalau laki hg kaya nk mampos..minimum mnthly income up to 15k n will give u an allowance up to 3.5 k per month...then maybe takdak masalah eventho nk beli bra kat la senza mahupun xixili skali pun kn...
Tetapi......sebagai seorang wanita yg modern....tak kisah la kita taknak keja opis hr mcm aku yg makan gaji tiap2 bulan ni ka...well at least...kita leh generate income from home....contohnya...kalau terer gila wat apam polka dots ka...cuppies ka macaron ka doyan crepe ka....boleh ja korang nk generate ni as income...
kalau da laki kaya sgt...suruh laki suntik modal utk wat investment ka business ka....xkka tu lebeh bijak...abeh busuk pun ko mlas n tak pndai nk wat crepe ka...cupcake ka dsb...boleh ja kan..ko amek umah babysit anak orang...tak ka untung namanya....
Aku pun pernah cakap kat laki aku..aku nk resign...he definately disagree wif me...sebab apa?sebab dia tau...aku ni jenis org yg cpt bosan duk rumah...nnt da abeh ngemas..da abeh masak...da puas tdoq....mula la cri laki tak abeh2...kol bila u nak balik..bila u nak balik...hahaha...betoi jugak kan?!xka meroyan aku nk duk umah mcm tu....but he promised me when everything gets better....he will help me with my dream to open a restaurant!yeay yeayerrrs....he's such a great husband!
So from this time being....i'm not 100% depending on him to give me money....well at least i can help him a lot...yeah of course the portion to pay the bills...rental etc...2/3 cntribute by him...but at least i'm helping him wif another1/3 portion rite?well...dats how marriage works...depending on each other n not oly rely on one side only....
Well...i'm not try to be~little woman who doesnt work....but i encourage u guys to see what's your potential...see what is ur passion...n who know from ur passion..u can generate income,rite?
Afterall...we need to see frok different angle of our life...who know suddenly Lord decided to take the man of our life....maybe suddenly something bad that we cant imagine happened to our love one...so think of dis side...what would we do?should we blame our fate while we dont even dare to change our life and style?or should we start to do starting something new that can change our life and make our man proud of us?!
From my readings and from my surveys..men prefer independent women...who goes to work...earn money like they do...n not 100% financially depend on them....

Cuppies...kalau terer baking...boleh ja generate it as income....

Kemon bebeh...we can do it!!!
posted from Bloggeroid
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