first n foremost...i'm thank 2 Allah for blessing me wif a gud health...a gud family's members...n my love one...heheh
sebenarnya...rasa sedey pon ada coz i hev 2 go back 2 uni sedangkan membe2 i yg laen tgh berseronok kt umah...nk wat mcm mana kan..i hev design project for waste water treatment...utk National Chemical Engineering Symposium-NACES..august neh kt wat i can do givin' d best dat i can 2 my dat we can come out wif the great waste water treatment plant design...quite in a rush la..bcoz kena submit to UMS by mx coming 15th july...all the nk xnak..mmg kena struggle la...i will try my best....i hev few ideas...coz last tym i hev d plant visit to BP Chemical at Gebeng,, the staffs are very friendly...xlokek ilmu lgsg...xmcm sstgh plant yg i pernah visit..ada stgh tuh kerek gila...but at BP Chemical n BP Acetyls...they r so friendly...terang satu persatu in details...waaaa...mcm ni la...xkedekut ilmu...hhehe...back to waste water,i've got how the BP Chemical treat their waste on...combine the ideas wif my team mates...tgk mana yg patut...cekup la msuk dlm plant ktorg..heheh...fuyooo..."plant ktorg beb!!"...heheh...till then...i shall write later...nk p solat neh..da lewat...heheh...

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